Monday, July 13, 2009

Browsing the Golf Stores

The golfing this week went pretty well. I hit some very good shots and some that weren't so good. I am still having decision making problems. My husband managed a 78 yesterday after shooting 42 on the front nine.

Sunday and Monday the temperature and humidity were extremely high. During this type of weather conditions everyone needs to drink plenty of liquids, this helps to keep your body hydrated.

The area of North Carolina that we live in does not have any large golf stores, so when I was looking at the ads in yesterday's newspaper and saw a fabulous sale on golf equipment, we had to go to Charlotte. We went overboard buying new drivers. They were having a tremendous sale of Cobra Speed LD drivers. I purchased a 10.5 degree loft for slower swing speeds. I was hitting my Adams driver too high and losing distance. This new driver lowered my trajectory and I am hitting it longer. I, also, purchased a seven wood for those times when I needed an in-between club for better distance control and ball flight.

If you are having problems with hitting the golf ball too high and losing distance, you might try moving the ball back in your stance away from your left foot.

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