Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Plan for the Coming Golf Season - Spring for Professional Golf Lessons

As a well known scratch tournament rated professional golfer once pointed out "I am a lazy man. Why make golfing and indeed life in general harder and more difficult than it need be. Buy proper golf equipment. Take professional golf lessons from the beginning. Why make life harder than it is and as well handicap you for years to come?" Indeed this simple, basic advice that should be heeded. Golf is a hard enough game without handicapping yourself with poor equipment or training. For life"

While many golfers will spend an absolute killing on golfing equipment and even golf apparel most will shudder at the thought of devoting any of their golfing budget towards proper instruction.

Perhaps they think it is not worth the time effort and cash. After all you can watch golf TV, golf programs on TV and the gold channel. At the worst their golfing buddies can give them a few tips on the links. What a mistaken view and short sighted decision and even mentality. After all winning one golf round bet can more than pay for those missed lessons.

After all - there is nothing to the sport of golf. Some summarize the game of golf and the sport of golfing as a man standing on one large ball (the earth) and hitting a smaller ball (the golfing ball). Perhaps it's the view point that golf instruction is not tangible item that leaves you with anything of solid material value. It's sort of like paying for life insurance. If your family claims the money - you lose. Money spent on solid items - cars, real estate etc. is something of substance that leaves with an item of property and material value. Not so with golf instruction. Yet many of these same "golfers" will spend a fortune on drinks at the clubhouse or even golfing vacations - which leaves these people or "sportsmen" with precious little after the vacation ends - other than memories or photos.

It is true that you can learn golf and the sport of golfing from golfing videos, golfing on TV and the golf channel as well as golf and golfing books. There are no shortages of these - indeed there is no shortage of golfers willing to pay or watch these golf instructional aids. It shows you both how golfers long for the game during the cold winter season and in addition once these bad habits are learnt it is a most difficult task, if at all possible, to get rid, or eliminate, those bad golfing habits.

However you can only go so far by teaching yourself golf skills from a book. It is akin to a person trying to learn public speaking by watching his presentations on a video camera. Self evaluation, especially with golfers is very difficult thing even more so when a golfing ego and the frustration of learning the sport are added.

You can learn to golf from friends. Nothing wrong with this. Most golfers start this way. Indeed if no one else showed us the basics few would ever pick up the sport. However unless your friends are professional golfers you may well end up with the same poor golf swing habits that plague your friends and limit their golf game. On top of that your friends may lack teaching skills as well as patience. Even if you end up with good golf instruction you may end up with fewer friends in the mix.

The sad fact is that if you do not learn properly from the beginning from an actual golf instructor or a golf pro you will be forever fighting poor golf habits - which you will quickly have adopted and will find very difficult, if ever to unlearn or lose on the golf course or during the golf game.

If you continue to golf as a sport or recreation, somewhere along the line you are going to have to pay for lessons to eliminate or get over these bad golfing habits. Why not do it from the start? You will learn properly. You will golf well from the start. You will have less frustration and more enjoyment on the golf course.

Even from a financial angle learning from golf pro makes sense. It is always more costly to fix a problem than to prevent it in the first place. On top of that, your golf game and golfing reputation will be better from the start, much less frustrating and you will certainly have a much better round of golf with your golfing buddies, feel more comfortable and at ease on the links and overall have a much enjoyable time and better memories of your career with the game of golf and golfing.

Syd E. Nohcud

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